Accessibility Widget Add-On


The Accessibility Widget Add-On service is an addition to the recommendations from our Website Accessibility Audit service.

Our accessibility audit recommendations will bring your website to a standard that we believe will provide the best default experience for the largest number of users, without additional work on the part of the site visitors. While we believe that this work will meet the requirement of reasonable accessibility measures for most businesses, we do not guarantee any legal compliance with that service. For businesses that want a more robust solution and further legal protections, we recommend also signing up with the third-party accessiBe service.

AccessiBe provides a widget that will layover the top of your website, providing users with customizable options that adjust the look and functionality of your website, to accommodate various disabilities.

We recommend this service as a secondary measure, after bringing your website’s default status up to WCAG standards, as it is best to provide your users with a good experience from the start, rather than forcing them to make adjustments on their own. In addition, as this is an automated tool, you will not have control over the visual adjustments it will make to your website, and visitors using the tool may be served a website that does not fully match your branding or design guidelines. By adjusting your base website design first, then adding the accessiBe widget, you will mitigate this drawback while still providing additional accessibility options for those with specialized needs.

AccessiBe also provides a Litigation Support Package with their service, making it a great option for businesses that would like that extra legal security.

For those that choose to use accessiBe as an addition to our accessibility audit recommendations, we will assist your business in signing up for the service, and will configure and install the widget on your website.

  1. We will typically recommend the Accessibility Widget Add-On as an addition to the website edit recommendations from our Website Accessibility Audit service.
  2. We will set up an accessiBe account for the client, using the client’s business email, and configure the accessibility widget for your website.
  3. Once the account is set up, we will send you the account access, and you will be responsible for adding payment information to the account and choosing your billing preferences. This billing set-up must be completed within 7 days of receiving the account information, in order to avoid service interruptions.
  4. After configuring the accessibility widget, we will install the widget on your website.
  • Marketeering Group does not assume any legal responsibility for your website or your compliance with any applicable accessibility laws.
  • We are not lawyers and do not claim to provide any legal advice. We are providing a recommended third-party service, only. It is the client’s responsibility to determine if this third party service will meet their legal needs for accessibility compliance.
  • The client will sign up with the accessiBe service directly, and must abide by all terms and conditions of that service.
  • The client is responsible for all costs associated with the accessiBe service.
  • Marketeering Group will not be responsible for any part of the accessiBe service, the relationship between the client and accessiBe, or the outcomes from using the service.