Conversion Rate Optimization Retainer

Your website should be a constantly evolving entity, always improving to better match the needs of your customers in the current moment. With Conversion Rate Optimization services, we will track how visitors interact with your website and create strategies to improve customer engagement based on the results.


Price above is the starting price. Product should be priced hourly at the $130 /hr rate.

Our Conversion Rate Optimization service allows you to continuously improve your website’s user experience for future clients while honing the effectiveness of your landing pages, service pages, and contact forms. During this process, we track how visitors interact with your website, perform A/B tests, and provide data driven strategies to inform design solutions, verify conversions and improve user engagement.

This service may include a combination of the following:

  • A/B testing – Split and/or Multivariate
  • User testing
  • Data analysis of landing pages, exit pages, funnels, user behavior, traffic flow
  • Heatmaps, Click counts, Scroll data
  • Establishing a strong value proposition
  • Competitive Analysis
  • ADA compliance audit
  • Landing page mockups and content
  • Regularly Scheduled Reports

Service Tiers

Small Business (<1000 visitors per day)

  • 5-10 hours a month
  • Monthly meetings
  • Data Analysis
  • 1-2 tests in Optimize
  • Monthly Reports

Medium Sized Business (1000 – 5000 visitors per day)

  • 10-16 hours a month
  • Bi-weekly or monthly meetings
  • Data Analysis
  • Heatmaps/scroll data
  • Mockups (if needed)
  • 1-5 tests in Optimize
  • Monthly Reports

Enterprise (>5000 visitors per day)

  • 16+ hours a month
  • Weekly meetings
  • 5-10 tests per month (up to 5 every two weeks)
  • User testing/verification
  • Everything else included

[Unofficial Brainstorming Notes Only]

  1. Discovery – research company, any available past tracking info, industry, and competitors – could have a meeting to discuss with client to establish goals
  2. Set-up – setting up analytics, tag manager, optimize, heatmaps, and/or other tools
  3. Perform a speed test 
  4. Initial strategy – Go over analytics bounce rates, conversion rates, any page of value (landing pages, product pages, contact form etc.) with high views and low conversion rates. 
  5. Determine hypothesis and perform an A/B test. 
  6. Implementation of strategy – website updates, a/b testing, surveys, etc.
  7. Monthly or weekly review of tracking results and strategy creation.
  8. Monthly Reporting

[Unofficial Brainstorming Notes Only]

  • Site must be set up with Google Analytics, and/or use a web tracking tool that integrates with Google Analytics (so we can use Google Optimize). 
  • At least 3 months worth of analytics data should be available in order to see trends and determine opportunities for improvement
  • MG must have access to these tools on the clients behalf
  • Test pages must have 500-1000 visitors a week in order for testing to be effective. Low traffic pages are not eligible for A/B testing, or Hotjar (unless the business is willing to wait months for a conclusive result.)
  • Positive results to implemented strategies are not guaranteed